Monday, December 10, 2007


OK, it has come to my attention that once again that certain HENS are all in an uproar again on Robert's blog. The accusations are flying and several people, including myself are being accused of commenting and bashing people on the blog. So here are my responses to the comments. First to whoever posted a comment on here and stated I need therapy and signed it wikkid..............You should seek therapy yourself for bouncing blog to blog and commenting on the drama. Seek help immediately before the AOL police lock you up Your cranky ass needs to leave your computer and get LAID. So go seek your therapy, come back and let me know if it works for you and then leave the number of your therapist.
Karrie was never backstabbed by me. I guess when I didn't drive down to take her ass out to the bar to tie one on......on several occasions..........she got pissed off. Lets not forget Jason, who I fucked well...........and had no clue that Karrie um liked Jason. I should of known better, after what she did to Sydney (after she played him bad). Karrie can't say one thing I did wrong to her to cause such Drama on another person's blog. What goes around does come around. Payback is when you move on and she has lost a good friend indeed. Was she a good friend? Fuck no. She backstabbed and lied for NO REASON. Oh well life is a bitch and you move on. Yes, she did send her pussy pictures to JASON.
Who cares if she fucked Mack and who cares what she did at Tina's (if it indeed happened). That is not my story snookems. After believing Karrie (knowing what she was all about) and constantly running her fucking mouth in the room over and over again, yes I told what I knew. If she can dish the shit out, by all means she can take the shit giving right back at her. She is far from an angel. I can care less if she killed a cop, fucks a cop, or fucks Cari and Tony every night.
Same applies to her. She claims to be happy but yet she is online bashing and running her mouth. ( like she is a saint) Think NOT. Instead of just letting it go, she and Missy would make snide remarks. So yes, I did run my mouth. Everything I said about Missy and Care are true.
Is Cari a drunk, She wasn't a drunk when I was there..............
Girlfriend quit with the teeth remarks on your dumbass blog, its old. It is a wonder you even have teeth with the drug addiction everyone keeps saying you have. You stated over and over again in a public chatroom that you went out with your kids to go get candy WTF CARES. I guess there is nobody that was in that chatroom that noticed it.........Look at your pictures............
I have no clue wtf is going on with her and nor do I care.
Where do I even begin. I have never said she was a cop killer, why because she isn't. I have stated why the friendship ended, but you drama queens want to add shit on there.
I have no clue about this one and I can care less. The stories people have said about her came from them, not me. I don't know her but she needs to seek therapy herself. I do believe one thing, she is a blogger.
It is said was backstabbed by Debbie by someone else's mouth. WTF knows why. I have never seen her husband disrespect her in any way. Tina has a very good life.
Sydney the attorney I was shown your blog that Karrie did on you with my own two fucking eyes. I can care less if you are or aren't an attorney. The problem is you fucked over Jason and that is the reason why Karrie dislikes you.
I don't know the whole story and can care less. If he is guilty then he should get what is coming to him. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time..........
Ann in Texas
I apologized to her for accusing her for what Karrie did. She retailiated and so did I. I can care less what she is doing and I don't give a rats ass if she is alive or dead and that goes for Karrie too. What I said about Ann and showed........her dirty secrets were the truth. Enough said.
What an ugly bitch she is and yes she was busted out for sending emails to a blogger. She lied her ass off and it pissed off Ann who thinks Brenda is so innocent. Proof is in the puddin. Fuck her.
Keep on blogging on Robert's blog and if you all think for once second, that you can't be found out under anonymous.......well when you have friends in high is amazing at what you can find out. It is funny how certain comments go right to your area. Along with someone I know in the DC/ VA area. You are pissed that I am friends with Dee and it pisses you off. I have not once sent any of our emails out to the blogs. I can care less about your infidelity on your husband because I have been there. Move on snookems. You have my phone number, call me and block your number like you used to.
Now as far as Dee is concerned, at least she has the balls unlike the rest of you and she is not AOL SUCKA. Dee told you like it was on her blog and you are all upset over it. BOO FUCKING HOOOOO. She is a friend and always will be............Don't hate.
It just pisses you losers off that I have my own blog and well frankly I don't have to go to Robert's to blog. It pisses you off that I don't allow your trash on here. It pisses you off that while you sat in the room I was in, commenting on my blog, I called you out and would not allow your shit on this blog. It is hilarious that when I had my visitors module on my AIM page, I saw the very people that bash and trash me, looking at my fucking profile. Brenda, what is up with that? Ann in Texas, your fuckbuddy, that you accused to beating you ect. took a look at it know who it is.......MR JERSEY COP............
You sit here day after day and accuse me of drama and commenting and not letting go of the past, but you all do the very same thing and do not have the balls to say it under your real screen name. I am still here and I am not going anywhere. Who is the stalker now? It isn't me. It is the ones who just can't accept the fact that I tell it like it is and retaliated on a few people. I do not seek out the losers that were once in my life, on and off AOL. You keep dragging me right back in.........because it is always easier to blame someone for the very thing you continue to do. Well hell lets blame Rose for everything. Please, you give me too much credit and power everytime you blog me, bash me, or even speak my fucking name. I love it because little me controls your every move and thoughts.......................IT'S ALL ABOUT ME BABY!!!!!!

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